BDA Farm

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BDA Farm


BDA Farm is located in the heart of the Black Belt Prairie in South Central, Alabama. The Black Belt Prairie was historically a part of the vast North American Tallgrass Prairie. BDA Farm is restoring the landscape to the diversity that once thrived and supported a complex ecosystem. The Six Principles of Regenerative Agriculture are implemented on a daily basis. BDA Farm produces well marbled grass fed beef and lamb, pastured eggs, honey, and more than 40 different vegetables and herbs. We ship to all locations within a two-day ground shipping radius of Uniontown, AL and provide home delivery services to the Birmingham and Tuscaloosa areas. Please visit our website for more details.

Products available:


Availability (check all that apply)
Selected shipping areas/regions Local delivery or drop-off locations On-farm / ranch store
Allen Williams
SHA farm school host SHA instructor/technical advisor


8661 State Highway 183, Uniontown, AL 36786, USA

Contact Information

8661 State Highway 183, Uniontown, AL 36786, USA
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