Transitioning to Regenerative Crop Production – Dyersville, IA

Who Should Attend?

The course will examine all aspects of transitioning a conventional crop and livestock farm to a more regenerative system while improving profitability and resilience.  The course will be tailored to row crop  producers and will have broad applications for production of corn, soybeans, small grains, and integrating cover crops.  Soil health, plant health, and animal integration will all be covered, and hands-on experience will be heavily emphasized.  The workshop will be held at a diversified crop and livestock operation, with a focus on how to get started implementing regenerative principles on a conventional farm.

What You Will Learn

  • Understanding how soil functions
  • Improving ecosystem processes to reduce costs
  • Evaluating your farm’s soil health
  • Soil health testing and interpretation
  • Managing cover crops and diversity
  • Regenerative plant nutrition management concepts
  • Integrating livestock on row crop acres
  • Stacking enterprises

June 18 – 20, 2024

Tuition of $1,375 includes:

  • Regen Ag 101 course ($499.00 value), which we would like you to complete prior to the first day of class;
  • In-person attendance at the SHA school, as well as course materials, snacks, water and lunch each day; and
  • Access to future scheduled conference calls with the instructors.


Tuesday June 18th

Morning Sessions
8:00 am Registration
8:30 am Introductions
- The 6 Principles of Regenerative Agriculture Eric
- Soil Health Demonstrations Luke
- Break
- The Four Ecosystem Processes Brian
- Q&A

12:15 – 1:00 Lunch

Afternoon Session
- Gibbsfield Farms Context – Ryan Gibbs
- Hands-on in the Field

Wednesday June 19th

Morning Session
8:30 am Q&A
- The Power of Biology Eric
- Using Cover Crops to Address Resource Concerns Luke
- Break
- Addressing Compaction Brian

12:15 – 1:00 Lunch

Afternoon Session
- Hands-on in the Field

Thursday June 20th

Morning session
- Integrating Livestock with Adaptive Grazing Luke & Eric
- Break
- Q&A
- Nutrient Management & Profitability Brian

12:15 – 1:00 Lunch

Afternoon session
- Connecting Soil & Plant Sampling to Plant Health All
- Hands-on in the Field
- Q&A and Wrap Up

About Gibbsfield Farms


Gibbsfield Farms is owned and operated by Ryan & Kristy Gibbs. They raise corn, soybeans, cereal rye, cattle, and hogs. The Gibbs family uses no-till and multispecies cover crops to protect the soil and add diversity to the crop rotation. They also incorporate vermicomposting, soil health testing, and other techniques to improve soil biological activity and reduce input costs.

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Eric Fuchs

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Brian Dougherty

Hotel Information

Comfort Inn (meeting location)
Dyersville, IA

Dyersville, IA
Colonial Inn
Dyersville, IA

Class Location

Comfort Inn
527 16th Ave. SE
Dyersville, IA 52040

Closest Airport

Cedar Rapids Municipal Airport

Farm Location

Gibbsfield Farms
2947 280th St.
Hopkinton, IA 52237

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