Shop Regen Foods

Shop Regen Foods for Nutritious, Delicious, Humane, and Climate-friendly Food

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Welcome to the “Shop Regen Foods” on-line showcase, a virtual storefront to the websites of graduates, instructors and school farm hosts of the Soil Health Academy, as well as regenerative farmer/rancher clients of Understanding Ag—all of whom offer regeneratively grown products for purchase.

The farmers whose websites are featured here have learned the principles and practices of regenerative agriculture from the Soil Health Academy’s world-renowned regenerative farming experts. Now, finding a nearby regenerative farm or ranch and searching for products or by delivery options is just a click away.

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More about “Shop Regen Foods”

SHA has created this portal to help connect consumers of regeneratively grown products with the farmers and ranchers who grow them. By purchasing nutrient-dense, regeneratively grown products, consumers also are supporting the farmers and ranchers whose regenerative practices positively impact biodiversity, ecosystem health and human health.

Learn more about the wide range of regenerative agriculture’s benefits from SHA’s expert instructors.

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About the Family Farms Featured

Like nearly all regenerative farmers and ranchers, those featured in our “Shop Regen Food” showcase are at different points in their respective regenerative journeys, but all are committed to implementing the six principles of soil health within the context of their operations.

SHA/UA does not certify or verify the regenerative agriculture practices used in any of the farms/ranches featured in our showcase, so it’s important for shoppers to review the individual websites to learn what regenerative principles and practices are currently being used in the respective farming operations.

As you do, we’re certain you’ll enjoy getting to know more about the dedicated farm and ranch families who grow regeneratively for our health and for our future.