Soil Health Updates

cows in a pasture

Missed Opportunity

Kent Solberg, Understanding Ag, LLC The other day I drove by a dairy farm. I am somewhat familiar with this farm. Like most dairies today, they are struggling. On top of multiple years of reduced milk prices and rising production costs, they are struggling with the weather this year. It’s been tough to get crops […]

Why Do Cover Crops Sometimes Fail?

Allen Williams, Ph.D. & Gabe Brown The term “cover crop” is everywhere today. It’s in the farming magazines and the ag news, and is the hot topic at many agricultural conferences, workshops and field days. We farmers and ranchers are told that we need to plant cover crops to protect the soil, build soil organic […]

Tribute to a Grazing Hero

Tribute to a Grazing Hero Allen R Williams, Ph.D. Once in every few generations someone comes along who defies all conventions and turns things on their ear. To do this, it takes a truly unique person who does not care what their neighbors think or what the world thinks. Instead, they doggedly pursue what they […]

Soil, Food and the Elephant in the Room

Holly Arbuckle As a health care practitioner, I have had the privilege to work with many people over the past 15 years. Let me let you in a little secret I have discovered from years of talking to people about health: We are all worried about our food. Really, all of us: rich people, poor […]

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